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Having an open house for your listed property? Let other users know by adding an open house to your real estate listing on BisManOnline. Follow the simple steps below.

Once logged in, from the homepage, click ‘Member Center.’

Click the real estate ad you’d like to add an open house to. Near the bottom of the ad window that opens on the right side of the screen, you will see a header that says ‘Open Houses’ with spaces for you to enter the date and time of your open house. Once you have entered the correct information, click ‘+ Add.’  You are welcome to add more than one open house, if necessary.

Click on the title of the ad in the ad window to see how your open house will display to other users viewing your ad.

To make changes to an existing open house, click on the real estate ad that has the open house. Near the bottom of the ad window that opens on the right side of the screen, you will see a header that says ‘Open Houses’ where your open house will be listed. Click on the date or time of the open house to modify it, and then click ‘Save.’

To delete an open house, click on the real estate ad that has the open house. Near the bottom of the ad window that opens on the right side of the screen, you will see a header that says ‘Open Houses’ where your open house will be listed. Click ‘Delete’ next to the open house you would like deleted, then click ‘OK.’ The open house will then be removed from your listing.


Having an open house for your listed property? Let other users know by adding an open house to your real estate listing on BisManOnline. Follow the simple steps below.

Once logged in, click the Member Center icon.

Click ‘My Ads.’

Click the real estate ad you’d like to add an open house to. Next to ‘Open Houses’, click the plus (+) sign. Enter the date and time for your open house in the corresponding boxes, and then click ‘Add.’ You are welcome to add more than one open house, if necessary.

Click ‘View Ad’ near the top of the screen to see how your open house will display to other users viewing your ad.

To make changes to an existing open house, click on the real estate ad that has the open house. Next to the open house date and time, click ‘Edit.’ Click on the date or time of the open house to modify it, then click ‘Save.’

To delete an open house, click on the real estate ad that has the open house. Next to the open house date and time, click ‘Edit.’ Click ‘Delete.’

If you are sure you want to delete the open house, click “OK’ to finish deleting it.


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